고객이 정말로 원하는 것
What the customer really wanted 고객이 설명한것 (What the customer described) 예산으로 책정한것.. (What got budgeted) 엔지니어가 설계한것 (What the engineer designed) 그리고 제품화된 모습 (How manufacturing installed it) 광고한것 (what marketing advertised) 문서화 된 것 (What got documented) 최종적으로 고객이 받은것 (What the customer finally received) 고객에게 청구 된 것 (What the customer was billed for) 원래부터 고객이 원했던것 (What the customer actually wanted) What the customer really wanted 인터넷 돌아다니다 정말 공감가는 만화라서 포스팅 했습니다.